Acclaimed assholes always act after aggressing
Bouncing breasted, bubble butted, B-movie beauties. Beyond
Cat-calls, ‘cause crude call-outs can’t cause crooked consent.
Despite defiling demure dames, downfall’s disdain doesn’t deter derelict dicks’
Exonerated edicts. Everywhere, everyone, especially entertainers encroach every
Female, flashing fame for a fast fuck for four failed films.
Going, going, gone, great going, good god!
He’s hit her harder! How horrible, however
It’s interesting if inked idiots ignored impact infractions, it
Justifies jackshit jury, jackshit jailtime, jackshit justice? Jesus
Knows klansmen killed kids, keeping
Little litany literally letting low-lives
Make malice. Messiah: minimal moderation, mostly muted. Myself:
Non-confrontational. Neglecting national noise. Never
Offering outspoken oral opposition of obvious offenders. Opposite of
Partially passable poetry. Pathetically piecing piercing problems
Queueing querulously, quasi-moralities, questioning
Recycled reasons responsible. Rarely risqué roasts, reviling recently relevant
Spacey’s, Székely’s. Semi-serious sentiments seeking support. Seldom surprise seeing said
Turn tail, talking theatrics, ‘til the times turn to term.
Useless usher under umbra’s
Veil. Valuing validation. Vastly vapid, visiting
Wealthy wastelands wherever, words waning. Woefully weak whispers when witnessing
Xenophobes x-ray xeric
Youths. Yesterday’s yuppies yell “yuge.”
Zealot zeitgeist. Zero zipping. Zombie zoo.